
The Ascended (Aphex Subtype)



  • Ascendants can eat any edible foods or items. They generally enjoy fruits and pleasant flavors. 


  • Ascendants can vary drastically in size, ranging from 2 meters long to 15 meters long, mostly dependant on age.


  • Ascendants have a small chance to conceive if they find a mate, however, due to their rarity, it has never been documented.

Lore and Information

  • AscendedBanner.png

    Ascended are incredibly rare god-like beings. These beings are created when an Aphex of strong emotion returns to the earth and is transformed into an Ascended, similar to the process for a Xeode. It takes hundreds of years for an Ascended to reach a god-like level, which explains the rarity of sightings. These beings, once fully grown, can reach massive sizes. The Ascended are, in simplest forms, hibernating stars, and carry a stone-like orb throughout their entire lives, which is the source of their power. Once they are fully grown they can contain a mass of abilities. If their stone is broken, the being will die. Ascended are very vulnerable during their development stages, and require protection and guidance. They usually hatch alone, and the chances of an Ascended finding another Ascended or passive being are so slim that many perish in their earliest stages. 


Soul Lore

  • Ascendants have normal souls, however, these do not weaken or deteriorate despite the soul's age.



  • Aphex Traits (Where Applicable)
    Basic Trait Sheet
    Bonus Pack #1

    Physical Requirements
    The Stone in the chest must match their "flames/Smoke". The smoke should be one main defined colour but can have slight/soft gradients. The sclera (whites of the eyes) must be black or dark and the basic eye is a slit but can be changed with traits.  The stone can be gradients/patterns/sparkly etc but this must be reflected in their magic (Flames/Smoke). Wings can be small or large but follow the anatomy shown on the sheet. The smoke can be manipulated into odd shapes and resemble creatures around the Ascended. It does not need to be obvious, but the Ascended is covered in "sensors/vents" that expel their magic. Flames/smoke do not have to be present 24/7 or on the masterlist entries but the colour would be assumed by their stone.


Ascended Stages

  • Due to being gods, Ascended advance in stages to depict their story or survival and to cement their place in the world of Elyxium. You will be required to draw a prompt each time your Ascended has leveled up, and when submitting your prompts ensure you have the minimum XP in their bank to advance. Once the prompt has been approved, submit the next stage design as a redesign with the approved prompt in the comments.


    Stage 1: Egg

    The egg stage. The egg must represent the Ascendants stone. Must be in a spiral shape. These stones are crystal in nature and can be transparent to opaque. 
    (Submit your egg design as your stage 1 character image. You will be able to alter the colours in future redesigns. You are free to colour-shift the image above as your egg.
    XP Needed in bank for age up: 0XP
    Draw your egg design in the location or place where it will hatch. What is its environment? Is it harsh? Has your Ascended been adopted by a traveling family?
    Artwork requires the egg in full view, and at least a simple scenic background. 



    Stage 2: Hatchling

    In this stage Ascended are blind. They use most of their energy burrowing out the ground. They are always hungry and often like to sleep and can fall asleep on the spot. They can not hear very well, leaving them quite vulnerable. Their sensors can not emit their magic until stage 4 (fire/smoke). 
    (Submit your baby design as your stage 2 character image. The stone's colour should be derived from the previous stage if not redesigned.
    XP Needed in bank for age up: 200XP
    Now that your egg has hatched, how will your Ascended survive in this harsh world? Are they alone to scavenge for themselves? Do they spend most of their hatchling stage in the burrow? Do they have a safe place and a caring hand to guide them?
    Artwork requires at least halfbody, and at least a simple scenic background. 


    Stage 3: Fletchling

    Fletching Ascended has finally opened their eyes and wants to play and test their strength! They are very friendly and love to explore and meet others at this stage. Their bodies are still quite small, so they need to be cared for. This is the borderline of their independence.
    (Submit your youngling design as your stage 3 character image. The colour should be derived from the previous stage if not redesigned. 
    XP Needed in bank for age up: 500XP
    Your Ascended has survived to reach the Fletching stage! They have finally grown curious about the world and their place in it. Draw your Ascended finding a new skill or hobby it enjoys, or facing a challenge or situation they must overcome to mature.
    Artwork requires at least halfbody, and at least a simple scenic background. 


    Stage 4:Sub-Adult

    An Ascended finally gains their wisdom and magical abilities. They do not have full control, but slowly start to build their skills. Their magic starts to spill from their sensors and they begin to show off their soul colours. Their magic smoke should only be around 0-30% of their full design and can not be any defined shapes yet. Their wings at this point can not carry their body without magical help and should be small.  At this point, a few magical powers begin to emerge. 
    -Alert Affliction: Ascended Ability: Healing abilities, especially against other afflictions.
    -Alert Affliction: Ascended Ability: Very small hovering abilities. 
    -Alert Affliction: Ascended Ability: Alert Affliction (User's choice. Locked to this character). 
    Wisdom +5
    Magic +10
    (Submit your adolescent design as your stage 4 character image. The colour should be derived from the previous stage if not redesigned.)

    XP Needed in bank for age up: 1000XP
    What a beauty to behold! Your Ascended has finally gained its abilities and is on the journey to its full potential. During this stage Ascended have trouble controlling their powers, and develop unique ones usually inspired by their skills or interests. Draw your Ascended practicing or using their magic, or finding our their own unique alert affliction.
    Artwork requires at least halfbody, and at least a simple scenic background. 


    Stage 5: Adult

    Ascended have fully formed their abilities, but their body still has time to grow. Their magic spills out, but can of course be controlled and manipulated to suit the Ascendant's aesthetics. Their magic smoke can be around 0-80% of their full design and can take the form of many different types of shapes, even splitting off into creatures around the Ascended. Their smoke is harmless and is not a viable weapon. 
    -Alert Affliction: Ascended Ability: Able to hover to great heights. (Upgraded)
    (Submit your adult design as your stage 5 character image. It is not necassary to update your character at this point if you are happy with the previous design's appearance. The colour should be derived from the previous stage if not redesigned.)
    Magic +10

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